How do I contact a driver on the Delivery Portal?

How do I contact a driver on the Delivery Portal?

If you are experiencing difficulties in getting in touch with the driver assigned to your delivery order via the delivery partner portal, we kindly advise you to check the job details section first, as the driver's phone number is usually listed there. However, in the event that you are still unable to reach the driver and are not using Doordash or Uber, we recommend that you contact our dedicated  Customer Support team for further assistance.

  • DoorDash: Doordash gives you access to the driver's direct contact information if you are calling from the pickup or dropoff location number on the order.
    If the driver does not answer, you may call the provider for further assistance at 855-431-0459 (please refer to the entire Provider Delivery ID number when prompted)
  • Uber: Uber does not give access to the driver's direct contact information. If you want to call an Uber driver you must go through their support line at 866-987-3750 (please refer to the last 5 digits in Provider Delivery ID when prompted).

Please see the visual reference below for further guidance :

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