How to use the hybrid delivery on your EPOS

How to use the hybrid delivery on your EPOS

Step 1: Select Your Order
  1. On the order section on the  EPOS system and head to the "Current" section.
  2. Find the order you want to deliver and select it to proceed.
Step 2: Choose Your Delivery Method
  1. Select "On the Way" to select the desired driver. 
  2. You'll see the option to choose between "your own drivers" or "FoodHub Drivers."
  3. If you'd like to use a delivery partner, click the "FoodHub Drivers" button.
Step 3: Assign a Delivery Partner
  1. When you click the "FoodHub Drivers" button, a window will pop up showing the delivery charges.
  2. Confirm your choice and select "On the Way" to submit the order to our trusted delivery partner.
Step 4: Driver availability 
  1. The order is now being processed by the chosen delivery partner.
  2. The delivery driver will be scheduled immediately. 
Step 5: Track Your Order
  1. To track the delivery in real-time, select "Options" for the order.
  2. From the options menu, choose "Directions" to access the tracking link of the assigned driver.
Please note: The tracking link is only to the client available after the assigned driver arrives at pick up. We are working with our dev team to allow clients to track drivers from the beggining of delivery. 

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